
The following services are offered by Don Hall through Evolutionary Change. They are either free or priced on a sliding scale, based on the scope of work, necessary expenses, and the host’s ability to pay. Scroll down the page to find descriptions of available Workshops and Trainings. Towards the bottom, there’s a short form you can fill out to contact Don directly.

  • SNN


    Interviews about The Regeneration Handbook and related topics for newspapers and magazines, podcasts, and radio and TV shows.

  • Ecology Center 2024


    Dynamic and interactive presentations, offered both online and in-person, exploring the key themes of The Regeneration Handbook.

  • Media Workshop


    Deeper dives into one of the main topics of The Regeneration Handbook, providing resources and opportunities for hands-on skill-building.

  • Thrive Circle


    Courses on regenerative leadership, communicating Transition, effective collaboration, and scaling up your impact.

  • Florida Permaculture Convergence


    Providing support for activist organizations who need help troubleshooting challenges, resolving conflicts, or developing strategy.

  • 10 Stories of Transition


    Tell your personal story of transformation or share an inspiring regenerative project to be featured on this website and beyond.


Workshops may be offered separately or combined with others into a larger event. Each requires a minimum of two hours to effectively facilitate.

  • Theory U

    Your Evolutionary Journey

    The journey of the regenerative activist is an evolutionary one. While each journey is unique, all pass through the same predictable stages. Learn how to identify where you are in your journey and create a personal action plan based on the stage you’re currently in.

  • Mandala of Life

    Practicing Inner Transition

    To make a real difference in the wider world, we first need to learn how to work with ourselves. Inner Transition practices enable us to shift our internal paradigm, connect with our sense of purpose, and engage our path with confidence and creativity without burning out.

  • Stages of Group Development

    Effective Collaboration Clinic

    Working together in groups for social change isn’t always easy. However, understanding the Stages of Group Development and developing skills for effective collaboration can help. Come prepared with your toughest challenges and we’ll workshop potential solutions together.

  • Diffusion of Innovations

    Mutually-Beneficial Partnerships

    Out of a universe of potential partners, which should we prioritize? And how can we best approach them? In this workshop, participants will apply lessons from Diffusions of Innovations Theory, develop value propositions for potential partners, and receive feedback.

  • Iceberg Theory

    Regenerative Projects Charette

    Design (or redesign) your own community-based regenerative project using eight key principles from The Regeneration Handbook. Learn from real-world examples of successful practical projects and tap into the collective wisdom of the group to improve your own.

  • Five Stages

    Scaling Up Transition

    While The Seven Essential Ingredients of Transition point to the most important elements to incorporate into our initiatives, The Five Stages of Transition show they can be scaled up over time. They can also help us identify where we are in the process and what we need to do to move forward.


Transition Trainings are multi-faceted learning journeys, designed to enable you to build mutually-supportive relationships with other participants, develop new skills and knowledge, receive guidance for overcoming the specific challenges you are facing, and create a plan for action.

  • Welcome to Launch

    Transition Launch

    A two-day training in how to set up and run a Transition group or other community-based changemaking initiative right where you live. Topics include: making sense of our global polycrisis, harnessing the power of positive vision, cultivating healthy groups, engaging your community through awareness-raising events and practical projects, establishing partnerships and networks, and strengthening inner resilience.

  • Rob Hopkins at TED

    Transition Talk Training

    This one-day workshop teaches how to communicate about the Transition Movement in a way that engages, informs, and inspires. It will provide you with everything you need to begin delivering dynamic presentations throughout your local community and beyond, including an editable PowerPoint template, tips for connecting with diverse audiences, and opportunities to practice your delivery.

  • Transition US National Gathering

    Effective Collaboration

    Over the course of two days, Effective Collaboration Training guides you through The Stages of Group Development, identifying core practices, tools, and resources at each stage. Learn how to form groups that function like mature ecosystems, transform conflict using Nonviolent Communication, facilitate meetings that don’t suck, scale up regenerative organizations, and unleash the collective genius.

  • Thrive Circle

    Transition Thrive

    Designed for more experienced changemakers, this two-day training can be thought of as the sequel to Transition Launch. While Launch focuses primarily on the first few steps of the Transition process, Thrive builds upon that foundation to suggest additional strategies for broadening the reach, deepening the impact, and scaling up the capacity of community-based initiatives over time.

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